Our Work

Our work includes - Activating system leaders and actors, changing beliefs and assumptions, influencing practice, policy and politics, building trust and ownership in real world proof points and learning and iterating.

All of our work is underpinned by strategies to back First Nations self-determination and to place young people at the centre. They ensure we are held accountable on our promise to shift power to those most impacted and excluded in the current education system. These aren’t separate areas of work, but core to every aspect of what we do.

Place-based practice

Place-based practice

Together with people and communities across Australia we have co-created projects that demonstrate how policy and practice can shift across the learning system.

The power of recognising more

The power of recognising more

The power of recognising more is a 3 year collaborative action-research study focused on building a robust national evidence base on the impact and value of broader recognition of learning.

We are more

We are more

We are more is a movement which represents emerging practice and ideas from across Australia, including schools, students, First Nations communities, academics, employers, higher education and training, admissions centres and jurisdictions. We have been developing responses to recognise more of what young people know and can do - inside and outside of the classroom.

Our first 3 years: National Social Lab

Our first 3 years: National Social Lab

Launched in October 2020, for 3 years, the Social Lab brought together different people from across the learning ecosystem and Australian society that bring a mix of lived experience, technical expertise and unique perspectives. We prototyped systemic solutions to redefine learning success.

Learning Creates Australia
Level 1, 136 Exhibition Street, Melbourne VIC 3000