Learning Beyond Limits

Insights and learnings from early-mover schools, academics, employers, universities, admissions centres and jurisdictions who are working to transform how we recognise learning beyond only academic measures.

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The Power of Recognising More

The Power of Recognising More, is a collaborative action-research study focused on building a robust evidence base on the impact and value of broader recognition of learning.

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A First Nations self-determined approach

An approach that values, respects and trusts Indigenous learning aspirations and recognition

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We think all young people should finish school with what they need to keep learning, working and exploring their future.


Our mission is to catalyse equitable transformation in education so that it better meets the 21C needs and values of our young people, communities and nation.

Collaboration is a critical factor in our model for change. Our work is activated through a diverse and growing alliance who are committed to driving change in their spheres of influence, experience and expertise. They include a strong network of schools, universities, young people, educators, policy makers and First Nations communities as well as a number of supporters and well-connected and influential sponsors.

We see a future where young people are:

  • Thriving individuals - with agency, wellbeing and a strong sense of self and identity
  • Thriving learners and workers - in further education and employment
  • Thriving citizens - active in their communities and society
Why recognise more?

Why recognise more?

The link between equity and broader recognition of learning

We Are More

We Are More

An alliance commited to transforming learning recognition

Action-research study

Action-research study

A collaborative evidence base on the value of recognising more of young people's learning

Learning Creates Australia
Level 1, 136 Exhibition Street, Melbourne VIC 3000