Our Focus

The world has changed, our education system hasn’t.

Education is key for our young people - it opens up a world of opportunity, imagination, growth, wellbeing and prosperity. But currently, our learning system is stuck - it’s unfair and underperforming in all the ways that matter - performance, productivity, equity, engagement, wellbeing, identity and inclusion. While other developed nations are forging ahead with 21st century learning strategies, Australia is being left behind with an outdated, underperforming education system.

We are focussed on driving change by improving how we value, and formally and fairly recognise, young people's learning in a strengths-based way, so they can be better matched to and access positive post-school pathways.

Educational equity

Educational equity

Australia does not have equitable and inclusive education. Young people from disadvantaged backgrounds are worse off. 

Why recognise more of what young people know and can do?

Why recognise more of what young people know and can do?

Broader recognition of learning is a key lever for change.

First Nations self-determination

First Nations self-determination

Learning Creates are committed to a First Nations self-determined approach that values, respects and trusts Indigenous learning aspirations and recognition.

Young people at the centre

Young people at the centre

Young people have historically been excluded from decisions that impact their learning. We are committed to shifting power to young people through choice, voice and leadership.

Community ownership

Community ownership

We partner with Communities across Australia who are working to create change for young people within the current education system.

Learning Creates Australia
Level 1, 136 Exhibition Street, Melbourne VIC 3000